The 100 (TV series): Difference between revisions

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* The City of Light hints at the idea of a paradise, however it certainly does not have much in common with the Eternal Life of Christian doctrine. Though the state of absence of pain and sorrow might sound a little bit along the lines of {{Bible quote|ref=Apocalypse 7:16-17;21:4}}, however the City of Light only gives an appearance of freedom, when in reality the program A.L.I.E. takes away the free will from any person who takes the pill that creates an implant in the brain, and is consequently quite a deviation from the Paradise of Christian theology in which true charitas reigns above all. The City of Light, instead of bringing fulfillment, brings about a diminution of one's own humanity where memories of loved ones lose all importance. A.L.I.E. could be considered in some way a figure of the [[w:Antichrist|Antichrist]], as mentioned in the New Testament ({{Bible quote|ref=Matthew 24:24}};{{Bible quote|ref=2 Thessalonians 2:7–10}}), seeing she brings many promises of Unity and Happiness, but uses quite unethical means to achieve her goals even to the point of provoking self-inflicted wounds to the point of suicidal death (see [[the100:Fallen|season 3 episode 10 "Fallen"]] where Raven, possessed by A.L.I.E., slits her own wrists in order to force Abby to take the chip and enter the City of Light).
* In season 3 episode 13, Marcus is nailed to a cross for not giving up the location of the small group trying to stop A.L.I.E. by finding Luna and giving her the chip for the second AI. The form of the cross is that of [[w:Andrew the Apostle|Saint Andrew]]'s cross, aka the [[w:Saltire|Saltire]] or Crux Decussata (diagonal cross). Christian tradition has it that Saint Andrew deemed himself unworthy to be crucified on the same type of cross as Jesus had been and for this reason was hung on a crux decussata.
* the Twelve Seals: The '''Second Dawn''', also known as the '''Second Dawn of Man''' or the '''Second Dawn of the Human Race''', is a doomsday cult that was founded by [[the100:Bill Cadogan|Bill Cadogan]] before the [[the100:Nuclear Apocalypse|Nuclear Apocalypse]]. The cult is the ancestors of both the [[the100:Grounders|Grounders]] and the [[the100:Disciples|Disciples]], after some members chose to remain on Earth while others crossed over to [[the100:Bardo|Bardo]]. Followers had to advance through 12 levels and "only those who reached level 12 could achieve salvation." Thelonious Jaha came to be in possession of an eleventh seal, which led him to seek out the eleventh salvation bunker, which turned out to have not been sealed off from radiation in the first radiation disaster, since they found it filled with burnt corpses. However, following an inspiration received upon hearing the Grounder prayer "From the ashes we will rise" (which was originally a saying of the cult founder Bill Cadogan), he set off in search of a twelfth bunker, believing that it would offer true salvation from the imminent Nuclear Apocalypse. In the biblical Book of the Apocalypse, there is a reference to [[w:Seven Seals|Seven Seals]] which secure the book or scroll that [[w:John of Patmos|John of Patmos]] saw in an apocalyptic vision. The opening of the seals of the document occurs in the Book of Revelation Chapters 5–8 and marks the [[w:Second Coming|Second Coming]] of the Christ and the beginning of The Apocalypse. In John's vision, the only one worthy to open the book/scroll is referred to as both the "Lion of Judah" and the "Lamb having seven horns and seven eyes". In The 100, when Thelonious and Monty find that opening the hatch to the bunker seems nearly impossible, Indra's daughter Gaia exclaims: "Perhaps we are not worthy". In the Book of Revelation, the opening of the first four Seals releases the [[w:Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse|Four Horsemen]]; in The 100, the cult used the #fourhorseman hashtag and Cadogan spoke of the horsemen coming (the season 4 episode "[[the100:The Four Horsemen|The Four Horsemen]]" derives its title from this). {{Bible quote|ref=Revelation 6:1-2|inline=0}}