Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|text=In one of his letters he complains: ''"For the first time in my life I have to spend Passion Week and celebrate Easter outside Russia. It is a considerable privation for me; from my early years I used to love this festival especially, and now I feel envy while thinking of those who celebrate it in Russia"''<ref>Pëtr Il'ic Cajkovskij, ''Perepiska s N. F. fon-Mekk'', vol. 3, p. 172 (letter from Paris, April 16, 1883)</ref>|author=Yelena Dyachkova|source=Tchaikovsky and the Bible}}
In his diary he writes of his impressions of [[w:Beethoven|Beethoven]] and [[w:Mozart|Mozart]], comparing them with his impressions of God and Jesus:
{{quote|text=I shall begin with Beethoven, whom it is usual to extol indisputably, and it is enjoined to worship him as a god. Thus, what is Beethoven for me? I admire a greatness in some of his works - but I do not love Beethoven. My attitude to him reminds me what I felt in my childhood about the Lord of Sabaoth. I felt (and by now my feelings have not changed) amazement, and at the same time, fear towards Him. He created Heaven and Earth, and He created me also, and yet, although I cringe before Him, there is no love. Christ, on the contrary, arouses just and only feeling of love. Although he was God, at the same time he was a man. He suffered like we. We feel sorry for him, we love in him his ideal human features. And when Beethoven takes a place in my heart similar to the Lord of Sabaoth, then I love Mozart as the Christ of music. By the way, you know, he lived almost as long as Christ|author=Pyotr Tchaikovsky|source=Dnevniki P. I. Cajkovskogo, p. 209-210 (record of June 29, 1886)}}