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== Test Score tag ==
<score raw="1" lang="lilypond" sound="1">
<score vorbis="1" midi="1" raw="1">\relative c'' { \time 4/4 \key c \major c4 g8 g a4 g r b^> c^> r \bar "|." } \addlyrics { Shave and a hair -- cut: two bits. }</score>
\header {
tagline = "" % no footer
title = "Good Morning"
composer = "trad."
\relative g' {
\key g \major \time 3/4
\partial 4 d
e d g
fis2 d4
e d a'
g2 d4
d' b g
fis e c'
b g a
g2 \fermata
\bar "|."
\addlyrics {
Good mor -- ning to you,
Good mor -- ning to you,
Good mor -- ning dear chil -- dren,
Good mor -- ning to all.
== Test syntax highlighting ==