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== Test Score tag ==
== Test Score tag ==

<score sound="1">
<score vorbis="1" midi="1">\relative c'' { \time 4/4 \key c \major c4 g8 g a4 g r b^> c^> r \bar "|." } \addlyrics { Shave and a hair -- cut: two bits. }</score>
{ \new PianoStaff << \new Staff \relative c'' { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"violin" \clef treble \tempo 8 = 126 \time 3/16 r16 <d c a fis d>\f-! r16\fermata | \time 2/16 r <d c a fis d>-! \time 3/16 r <d c a fis d>8-! | r16 <d c a fis d>8-! | \time 2/8 <d c a fis>16-! <e c bes g>->-![ <cis b aes f>-! <c a fis ees>-!] } \new Staff \relative c { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"violin" \clef bass \time 3/16 d,16-! <bes'' ees,>-! r\fermata | \time 2/16 <d,, d,>-! <bes'' ees,>-! | \time 3/16 d16-! <ees cis>8-! | r16 <ees cis>8-! | \time 2/8 d16\sf-! <ees cis>-!->[ <d c>-! <d c>-!] } >> }

== Test Score tag in raw lilypond format, with title ==
<score raw="1" lang="lilypond" sound="1">
\version "2.10.10"
\header {

title="WALL STREET \"RAG\""
composer="SCOTT JOPLIN"
mutopiatitle = "Wall Street Rag"
mutopiacomposer = "JoplinS"
mutopiainstrument = "Piano"
date = "1909"
source = "Seminary Music Co. 112 W. 38th N.Y."
style = "Jazz"
maintainer = "Benjamin Bloomfield"
maintainerEmail = ""
copyright = "Public Domain"
lastupdated = "2008/September/12"

footer = "Mutopia-2008/09/19-1543"

stemExtend = \once \override Stem #'length = #22
noStem = \once \override Stem #'length = #0
noFlag = \once \override Stem #'flag-style = #'no-flag

\paper {
between-system-padding = #0
between-system-space = #0.1
top-margin = 1\mm
bottom-margin = 1\mm
between-title-space = 0\mm
page-top-space = 1\mm

upper = \relative c'' {
\clef treble
\key c \major
\time 2/4
\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -3 . 2 )
c8.[^\markup \bold "Very Slow March Time" a16] d,8[ c16 d] | %1
e8 f4 g8 | %2
e8[ d16 e] f[ a8 af16] | %3
g4 <g b g'>8-> r | %4
\repeat volta 2 {
\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -4 . 3.0 )
<e c>16[\(^\markup \smaller { "Panic in Wall Street, Brokers feeling melancholy" } <f d> <g e> <a ds,>]\)~ <a ds,>[ <fs ds'>\( <g e'> <e c'>]\) | %5
<< {\stemUp d'8[ d16 e] d16[\( c d, f]\) } \\
{\stemDown f4~ f8[ c] } >> | \stemNeutral %6
<e c>16[\( <f d> <g e> <a ds,>]\)~ <a ds,>[ <fs ds'>\( <g e'> <e c'>]\) | %7
<< {\stemUp d'8[ e16 d] c16[\( d e g,]\) } \\
{\stemDown f4~ f8[ e] } >> %8

<< { \stemUp gs16[\( e b' e]\)~ e[\( f] e8]\) } \\
{ \stemDown e,8.[ gs16]~ gs8[ gs] } >> | %9
<< { \stemUp a16[\( e c' e]\)~ e[( f e8]) } \\
{ \stemDown e,8.[ <a c>16]~ <a c>8[ <a c>] } >> | %10
<< { \stemUp e'16[\( d fs b]\)~ \stemDown <b fs d>[\( <c fs, e> <b fs d> <a fs c>]\) } \\
{ \stemDown c,8.[ <d fs>16]~ \noStem \noFlag
<d fs> s8. } >> | %11
<b f'! a>16[\( g' f d] <e g,f>[ d g, f]\) %12

<e c>16[\( <f d> <g e> <a ds,>]\)~ <a ds,>[ <fs ds'>\( <g e'> <e c'>]\) | %13
<< {\stemUp d'8[ d16 e] d16[\( c d, f]\) } \\
{\stemDown f4~ f8[ c] } >> | \stemNeutral %14
<e c>16[\( <f d> <g e> <a ds,>]\)~ <a ds,>[ <fs ds'>\( <g e'> <e c'>]\) | %15
<< {\stemUp d'8[ c16 d] c8[ c16 d] } \\
{\stemDown f,4~ f8[ f] } >> %16

<< {\stemUp e'16[\( c g a]\)~ <a cs,>[\( <a cs e a> <bf cs e bf'> <a cs e a>]\) } \\
{\stemDown e8.[ cs16]~ \noFlag \stemUp cs s8. } >> | %17
<e' fs c'! e>8[ <d fs c' d>16 <a c fs a>]~ <a c fs a>[\( <gs gs'> <a fs' a> <c fs c'>]\) | %18
<e g e'>8[ <d f! d'>16 <a' f' a>]~ <a f' a>[\( <g e' g> <e g e'> <d f d'>]\) | %18
\alternative {
{ <c e c'>4~ <c e c'>16[ g( d ds]) }
{ << { \stemDown <c' e c'>4~ <c e c'>8[ <c c'>16 <bf bf'>] } \\
{ \stemUp s4. e8 } >> }

%Page Two
\repeat volta 2 {
\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -2 . 1.5 )
<a, c f a>8[^\markup \smaller { "Good times coming." } <a c f a>] <c f a c>[ <c fs a c>] | %22
<c g' c>4
<< { \stemUp b'8[( a]) } \\
{ \stemDown <fs c>4 } >> | %23
<< { \stemUp a8.[ a16] a[( g b a]) } \\
{ \stemDown <f! c>4 <f b,> } >> | %24
<< { \stemUp a8.[ a16] a[( g) <c c,> <bf bf,>] } \\
{ \stemDown <c, e>4 <c e>8[ e] } >> | %25
<a, c f a>8[ <a c f a>] <c f a c>[ <c fs a c>] | %26
<c g' c>4
<< { \stemUp b'8[( a]) } \\
{ \stemDown <fs c>4 } >> | %27
<c f! a>8[ <c e a>]
<< { \stemUp gs'8.[( b16]) } \\
{ \stemDown <d, e>4 } >> | %28
<c e a>4
<< { \stemUp a'16[( g) <c c,> <bf bf,>] } \\
{ \stemDown <c, e>8[ e] } >> | %29
<a, c f a>8[ <a c f a>] <c f a c>[ <c fs a c>] | %30
<c g' c>4
<< { \stemUp b'8[( a]) } \\
{ \stemDown <fs c>4 } >> | %31
<< { \stemUp a8.[ a16] a[( g b a]) } \\
{ \stemDown <f! c>4 <f b,> } >> | %32

<< { \stemUp a8.[ a16] a[( g) <c, c,> <d d,>] } \\
{ \stemDown <c e >4 <c e>8 s } >> | %33
<ds, a' c ds>4 <fs a c fs> | %34
<a c ds a'>2 | %35
<< { \stemUp <a a'>8[( <g g'>]) e'16[( d8 e16]) } \\
{ \stemDown <c e>4 <g b>16[ <f b>8.] } >> | %36
} % end repeat
\alternative {
{ <e c'>8[ <e e'>16 <f f'>] <fs fs'>[ <g g'> <c e c'> <bf e bf'>] }
{ <c e,>4~ <c e,>8
<< { \stemUp g16[( gs]) } \\
{ \stemDown <e bf>8 } >> }

\key f \major
\repeat volta 2 {
\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -4 . 1.0 )
<f a>16[^\markup \smaller { "Good times have come." } <g bf> <a c> <f a>]~ <f a>[( <a f c> <a f d>8]) | %39
<< { \stemUp <f a>16[ <c f a> <cs f a> <d f a>]~ <d f a>[( <ef f a>8 <d f a>16])~ | %40
<f a>16[( g f <f g>])~ <df f g>[( <df f,> <df g,> <c a>]) | %41
r <f' a>[ <e a> <d a'>]~ <d a'> r16 r8 | } \\ %42
{ \stemDown s4. s16 \noStem \noFlag d,16~ | %40
d8.[ df16]~ \noStem \noFlag df s8 \noStem \noFlag \stemUp <c a>16~ | %41
\stemDown <c a>4~ <c a>16[ <bf' d>( <a c> <g bf>]) | } >> %42

<f a>16[ <g bf> <a c> <f a>]~ <f a>[( <a f c> <a f d>8]) | %43
<< { \stemUp <f a>16[ <c f a> <cs f a> <d f a>]~ <d f a>[ <c ds a'>8 <c e a>16]~ | %44
a'[( g fs g]) } \\
{ \stemDown s4. s16 \noStem \noFlag \stemUp <e c>16~ | %43
\stemDown <e c>4 } >>
<f g b>16[ <g b e>8 <f b d>16] | %44
<< { \stemUp d'8[( c]) g[( gs]) } \\
{ \stemDown <e bf'!>4 <e bf> } >> | %45
<f a>16[ <g bf> <a c> <f a>]~ <f a>[( <a f c> <a f d>8]) | %46

% Page 3

<< { \stemUp <f a>16[ <c f a> <cs f a> <d f a>]~ <d f a>[ <ef f a>8 <d f a>16]~ | %48
<f a>16[ g f <f g>]~ <d f g>8[ <d e gs>] |} \\ %49
{ \stemDown s4.. \noStem \noFlag d16~ |
d8.[ d16]~ \noStem \noFlag d8 s8 | } >>
<< { \stemUp r16 <a' cs>[ <cs e> <cs a'>]~ <cs a'> r16 r8 } \\
{ \stemDown <a e cs>4~ <a e cs>16[ <e cs> <a cs,>8] } >> |
<a d,>8[ <d c fs,>16 <ef c fs,>]~ <ef c fs,>[ d <d fs bf> <c fs a>] |
<< { \stemUp <f! a>[ d f <f g>]~ <f g>[ a <f g>8] } \\
{ \stemDown b,8.[ b16]~ b8[ b] } >> |

<< { \stemUp a'16[ g e c']~ c[ bf d, e] } \\
{ \stemDown <c e>8.[ <c e>16]~ <c e>8[ bf] } >> |
} % end repeat
\alternative {
{ << { \stemDown \noStem \noFlag f'4~ \stemUp f16[( f, g gs]) } \\
{ \stemDown <a c f>4~ <a c>16[ a, <bf e>8] \stemNeutral } >> }
{ <a' c f>4~ <a c f>8 d16[(-^ ds]) }

\repeat volta 2 {
\once \override TextScript #'padding = #4
e16[^\markup \smaller { "Listening to the strains of genuine negro ragtime," } <g bf c d> d ds] e[ <g bf c d!> d ds] |
e[ <g bf c d>8 <a bf c>16]~ <a bf c>[ g( d e]) |

\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -8.5 . 2.5 )
f[^\markup \smaller { "brokers forget their cares." } <a c d> d, e] f[ <a c d> d, e] |
f[ <g a c>8 <g a c>16]~ <g a c>[ f( e f]) |
fs[ <a c ef> e! es] fs[ <a c ef!> e! <fs a d>] |
<g bf d>[ <a bf d>8 <a bf d>16]~ <a bf d>[ g( a bf]) |
b[ <d e> gs, a] b[ <d e> gs, <b d e>] |

<a c e>4 <c fs, ds c>8[ d,16( ds]) |
e16[ <g bf c d> d ds] e[ <g bf c d!> d ds] |
e[ <g bf c d>8 <a bf c>16]~ <a bf c>[ g( d e]) |
f[ <a c d> d, e] f[ <a c d> d, e] |
f[ <g a c>8 <g a c>16]~ <g a c>[ f( e f]) |

fs[ <a c ef> e! es] fs[ <a c ef!> e! <fs a d>] |
<g bf d>[ <a bf d>8 <a bf d>16]~ <a bf d>[ <g bf d> <gs b f'>8-^] |
<< { \stemUp <c f>16[^^ d c a] a[ g8 e'16] } \\
{ \stemDown a,4 <e c>16[ <e bf>8.] \stemNeutral } >> |
\alternative {
{ <a, c f>4~ <a c f>8[ d16-^ ds] }
{ <a c f>4 <f' a c f>8 r \bar "|." }
lower = \relative c' {
\clef bass
\key c \major
\time 2/4
c8.[ a16] d,8[ c16 d] | %1
e8 f4 g8 | %2
e8[ d16 e] f[ a8 af16] | %3
g4 <g g,>8-> r | %4

<< { \stemUp g8.[\( fs16] c'8[ g]\) } \\
{ \stemDown c,2 } >> | %5
<< { \stemUp af'4. af8 } \\
{ \stemDown c,2 } >> | %6
<< { \stemUp g'8.[\( fs16] c'8[ g]\) } \\
{ \stemDown c,2 } >> | %7
\stemNeutral <c af'>4. <c g'>8 | %8

<b b'>8[ <gs' d' e>] <e e,>[ <d d,>] |
<c c,>[ <a' c e>] <a a,>[ <g g,>] | %10
<fs fs,>[ <fs c' d>] <d d,>[ <fs c' d>] |
<g g,>[ <g b d>] b,[ <g' b d>] | %12

<< { \stemUp g8.[\( fs16] c'8[ g]\) } \\
{ \stemDown c,2 } >> | %13
<< { \stemUp af'4. af8 } \\
{ \stemDown c,2 } >> | %14
<< { \stemUp g'8.[\( fs16] c'8[ g]\) } \\
{ \stemDown c,2 } >> | %15
<< { \stemUp af'4. af8 } \\
{ \stemDown c,2 } >> | %16

<< { \stemUp g'8[ bf8] } \\
{ \stemDown c,4 } >>
<a a'>8[ <g g'>] | %17
<fs fs'>[ <fs' c' d>] <d d'>[ <c c'>] | %18
<b b'>[ <g' b f'!>] <g g,>[ <g b f'>] | %19

<c c,>[ g] c,[ <g' b>] | %20
<c c,>[ g] c,4-- | %21

% Page Two

<f f,>8[ <a c f>] <f f,>[ <ds ds,>] | %22
<< { \stemUp e[ <g c e>] ef[ <c' ef fs>] | %23
d,[ <c' d f!>] g,[ <b' d f>] | %24
c,[ <g' c e>] } \\
{ \stemDown <e e,>4 <ef ef,> | %23
<d d,> <g, g,> | %24
<c c,> } >>
<e e,>8[ <c c,>] | %25
<f f,>[ <a c f>] <f f,>[ <ds ds,>] | %26
<< { \stemUp e8[ <g c e>] ef[ <c' ef fs>] } \\
{ \stemDown <e, e,>4 <ef ef,> } >> %27

<d d,>8[ <e e,>]
<< { \stemUp e[ <gs d' e>] } \\
{ \stemDown <e e,>4 } >> | %28
<a a,>16[ e c a] <c c,>4 | %29
<f f,>8[ <a c f>] <f f,>[ <ds ds,>] | %30
<< { \stemUp e[ <g c e>] ef[ <c' ef fs>] | %31
d,[ <c' d f!>] g,[ <b' d f>] | %32
c,[ <g' c e>] e[ <e g>] } \\
{ \stemDown <e e,>4 <ef ef,> | %31
<d d,> <g, g,> | %32
<c c,> <e e,> } >> | %33
fs,16[( a fs'8]) ds16[( fs ds'8]) | %34
fs16[\( ds c a] ds c a fs]\) | %35
<< { \stemUp g8[ <c e>] g,[ g'] } \\
{ \stemDown g4 g,] } >> | %36
<c g'>8 r r <c c,> | %37

<< { \stemUp g'4~ g8 r } \\
{ \stemDown c,8[ g] c,4 } >> | %38

% Good times have come
\key f \major
<< { \stemUp <c' a'>8[ <c f a>] c,[ <c' f>] |
f,[ <c' f>] c,[ <c' f>] } \\
{ \stemDown f,4 c | f c } >> |
bf8[( bf']) bf,[( bf']) |
<< { \stemUp f8[ <c' f a>] c,[ <c' e bf'>] |
<c a'>[ <c f a>] c,[ <c' f>] |
f,[( f']) fs,[( fs']) |
g,[( g']) g,[( g']) | } \\
{ \stemDown f,4 c | f c | f fs | g g } >>
c4( <c c,>) |
<< { \stemUp <c a'>8[ <c f a>] c,[ <c' f>] |
f,[ <c' f>] c[ <f a>] } \\
{ \stemDown f,4 c | f c' } >> |
%Page 3
bf8[ d] <bf bf'>[ <bf bf'>] |
<< { \stemUp a'8[ <a e>] g[ <a e>] } \\
{ \stemDown <a a,>4 <g g,> } >> |
<fs fs,>8[ <d fs c'>] <d d,>[ <fs c' d>] |
<g g,>[ <g b d>] <d d,>[ <ds ds,>] |

<e e,>[ <bf'! c e>] <c, c,>[ <bf' c e>] |

%alternative 1
<f f,>8[ <e e,>16 <d d,>] <c c,>4 |

%alternative 2
<f f,>8[ a,16 d] <f f,>8[ <fs fs,>]-^ |

% Listening to the strains of genuine negro ragtime, brokers forget their cares.
<g g,>8[ <bf c e>] <c, c,>[ <bf' c e>] |
<g g,>[ <bf c e>] <c c,>[ <bf bf,>] |

<a a,>[ <a c f>] <c, c,>[ <a' c f>] |
<f f,>[ <a c f>] <c c,>[ <a c f>] |
<a a,>[ <fs c' d>] <d d'>[ <c c'>] |
<bf bf'>[ <g' bf d>] <g g,>[ <g bf d>] |
<gs gs,> <b d e>] <e, e,>[ <gs d' e>] |

<a a,>[ <a c e>] <a a,>[ <fs fs,>] |
<g g,>8[ <bf c e>] <c, c,>[ <bf' c e>] |
<g g,>[ <bf c e>] <c c,>[ <bf bf,>] |
<a a,>[ <a c f>] <c, c,>[ <a' c f>] |
<f f,>[ <a c f>] <c c,>[ <a c f>] |

<a a,>[ <fs c' d>] <d d'>[ <c c'>] |
<bf bf'>[ <g' bf d>] <d d'>[ <df df'>]-^ |
<c c'>[-^ <a' c f>] <c, c,>[ <bf' c e>] |

%alternative 1
<f f,>8[ a,16 c] <f f,>8[-^ <fs fs,>] |

%alternative 2
<f f,>[ c] f,8-^ r
dynamics = {
s2\mf | s2 * 3 |
s2\mf | s2 * 3 |
s2 *2 | s4.\< s8\! | s4 s8.\> s16\! |
s2\mf | s2 * 3 |
s2 * 5 |

%Page 2
s2\f | s2 * 5 |
s2 * 5 |
s2 * 5 |
s2 | s2\mp | s2 * 3 |
s2 | s4 s8.\< s16\! | s4.\< s16 s16\! | s4 s8\> s8\! | s32 s4...\mp |

%Page 3
s2 | s4 s8\< s8\! | s2 | s2\mf | s2 |
s2 | s4 \once \override DynamicLineSpanner #'padding = #3.5 s8.\> s16\! | s2 | s2\mf | s2 |
s2 * 4 | s4..\< s16\! |
s2\f | s32 s4...\mf | s2 * 3 |
s2 * 5 |
pedal = {
% s2\sustainDown s2\sustainUp
\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = "upper" \upper
\new Dynamics = "dynamics" \dynamics
\new Staff = "lower" <<
\clef bass
\new Dynamics = "pedal" \pedal
\layout {
\context {
\type "Engraver_group"
\name Dynamics
\alias Voice % So that \cresc works, for example.
\consists "Output_property_engraver"
\override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1)
pedalSustainStrings = #'("Ped." "*Ped." "*")
pedalUnaCordaStrings = #'("una corda" "" "tre corde")
\consists "Piano_pedal_engraver"
\consists "Script_engraver"
\consists "Dynamic_engraver"
\consists "Text_engraver"
\override TextScript #'font-size = #2
\override TextScript #'font-shape = #'italic
\override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 2.5)
\override Hairpin #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 2.5)
\consists "Skip_event_swallow_translator"
\consists "Axis_group_engraver"
\context {
\accepts Dynamics
\override VerticalAlignment #'forced-distance = #7
\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = "upper" << \upper \dynamics >>
\new Staff = "lower" << \lower \dynamics >>
\new Dynamics = "pedal" \pedal
\midi {
\context {
\type "Performer_group"
\name Dynamics
\consists "Piano_pedal_performer"
\context {
\accepts Dynamics

== Test syntax highlighting ==
== Test syntax highlighting ==

<syntaxhighlight lang="js" line>
<syntaxhighlight lang="js" line>
let jsV = "Javascript variable";
let jsV = "Javascript variable";
Line 18: Line 481:
item: "First item"
item: "First item"

<syntaxhighlight lang="php" line>
$myVar = "PHP variable";
$myVarUpper = strtoupper($myVar);

<syntaxhighlight lang="lua" line>
-- defines a factorial function
function fact (n)
if n == 0 then
return 1
return n * fact(n-1)

print("enter a number:")
a ="*number") -- read a number

Revision as of 20:46, October 12, 2021

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Test audio player

Test Score tag

{ \new PianoStaff << \new Staff \relative c'' { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"violin" \clef treble \tempo 8 = 126 \time 3/16 r16 <d c a fis d>\f-! r16\fermata | \time 2/16 r <d c a fis d>-! \time 3/16 r <d c a fis d>8-! | r16 <d c a fis d>8-! | \time 2/8 <d c a fis>16-! <e c bes g>->-![ <cis b aes f>-! <c a fis ees>-!] } \new Staff \relative c { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"violin" \clef bass \time 3/16 d,16-! <bes'' ees,>-! r\fermata | \time 2/16 <d,, d,>-! <bes'' ees,>-! | \time 3/16 d16-! <ees cis>8-! | r16 <ees cis>8-! | \time 2/8 d16\sf-! <ees cis>-!->[ <d c>-! <d c>-!] } >> }

Test Score tag in raw lilypond format, with title

Unable to compile LilyPond input file:

line 43 - column 26:
not a note name: af
line 48 - column 107:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 48 - column 107:
not a note name: ds
line 48 - column 119:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 48 - column 119:
not a note name: ds
line 48 - column 126:
not a note name: fs
line 48 - column 129:
not a note name: ds
line 51 - column 35:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 51 - column 35:
not a note name: ds
line 51 - column 47:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 51 - column 47:
not a note name: ds
line 51 - column 54:
not a note name: fs
line 51 - column 57:
not a note name: ds
line 56 - column 22:
not a note name: gs
line 57 - column 32:
not a note name: gs
line 57 - column 39:
not a note name: gs
line 57 - column 44:
not a note name: gs
line 60 - column 32:
not a note name: fs
line 60 - column 54:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 60 - column 54:
not a note name: fs
line 60 - column 66:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 60 - column 66:
not a note name: fs
line 60 - column 76:
not a note name: fs
line 60 - column 85:
not a note name: fs
line 61 - column 35:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 61 - column 35:
not a note name: fs
line 62 - column 21:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 62 - column 21:
not a note name: fs
line 66 - column 35:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 66 - column 35:
not a note name: ds
line 66 - column 47:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 66 - column 47:
not a note name: ds
line 66 - column 54:
not a note name: fs
line 66 - column 57:
not a note name: ds
line 69 - column 35:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 69 - column 35:
not a note name: ds
line 69 - column 47:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 69 - column 47:
not a note name: ds
line 69 - column 54:
not a note name: fs
line 69 - column 57:
not a note name: ds
line 74 - column 42:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 74 - column 42:
not a note name: cs
line 74 - column 53:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 74 - column 53:
not a note name: cs
line 74 - column 59:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 74 - column 62:
not a note name: bf
line 74 - column 65:
not a note name: cs
line 74 - column 70:
not a note name: bf
line 74 - column 72:
syntax error, unexpected '\''
line 74 - column 78:
not a note name: cs
line 74 - column 84:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 75 - column 28:
not a note name: cs
line 75 - column 51:
not a note name: cs
line 77 - column 13:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 77 - column 13:
not a note name: fs
line 77 - column 21:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 77 - column 28:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 77 - column 28:
not a note name: fs
line 77 - column 35:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 77 - column 44:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 77 - column 44:
not a note name: fs
line 77 - column 57:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 77 - column 57:
not a note name: fs
line 77 - column 67:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 77 - column 67:
not a note name: gs
line 77 - column 70:
not a note name: gs
line 77 - column 78:
not a note name: fs
line 77 - column 88:
not a note name: fs
line 77 - column 93:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 81 - column 47:
not a note name: ds
line 82 - column 67:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 82 - column 67:
not a note name: bf
line 82 - column 70:
not a note name: bf
line 91 - column 89:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 91 - column 89:
not a note name: fs
line 91 - column 95:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 94 - column 25:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 94 - column 25:
not a note name: fs
line 97 - column 47:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 97 - column 47:
not a note name: bf
line 97 - column 50:
not a note name: bf
line 100 - column 47:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 100 - column 47:
not a note name: fs
line 100 - column 53:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 103 - column 25:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 103 - column 25:
not a note name: fs
line 108 - column 22:
not a note name: gs
line 108 - column 24:
syntax error, unexpected '\''
line 112 - column 40:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 112 - column 40:
not a note name: bf
line 112 - column 43:
not a note name: bf
line 115 - column 47:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 115 - column 47:
not a note name: fs
line 115 - column 53:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 118 - column 25:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 118 - column 25:
not a note name: fs
line 126 - column 10:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 126 - column 10:
not a note name: ds
line 126 - column 19:
not a note name: ds
line 126 - column 21:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 126 - column 25:
not a note name: fs
line 126 - column 32:
not a note name: fs
line 126 - column 34:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 127 - column 14:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 127 - column 14:
not a note name: ds
line 127 - column 19:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 133 - column 46:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 133 - column 46:
not a note name: fs
line 133 - column 49:
not a note name: fs
line 133 - column 72:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 133 - column 72:
not a note name: bf
line 133 - column 77:
not a note name: bf
line 133 - column 79:
syntax error, unexpected '\''
line 136 - column 38:
not a note name: gs
line 137 - column 37:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 137 - column 37:
not a note name: bf
line 143 - column 66:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 143 - column 66:
not a note name: bf
line 144 - column 40:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 144 - column 40:
not a note name: cs
line 144 - column 46:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 144 - column 69:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 144 - column 69:
not a note name: ef
line 144 - column 75:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 145 - column 41:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 145 - column 41:
not a note name: df
line 145 - column 47:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 145 - column 52:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 145 - column 52:
not a note name: df
line 145 - column 57:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 145 - column 60:
not a note name: df
line 145 - column 65:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 148 - column 22:
not a note name: df
line 148 - column 45:
not a note name: df
line 149 - column 45:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 149 - column 45:
not a note name: bf
line 149 - column 62:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 149 - column 62:
not a note name: bf
line 153 - column 21:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 153 - column 21:
not a note name: bf
line 154 - column 40:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 154 - column 40:
not a note name: cs
line 154 - column 46:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 154 - column 70:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 154 - column 70:
not a note name: ds
line 154 - column 75:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 155 - column 24:
not a note name: fs
line 160 - column 36:
not a note name: gs
line 161 - column 27:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 161 - column 27:
not a note name: bf
line 161 - column 37:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 161 - column 37:
not a note name: bf
line 162 - column 21:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 162 - column 21:
not a note name: bf
line 167 - column 40:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 167 - column 40:
not a note name: cs
line 167 - column 46:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 167 - column 68:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 167 - column 68:
not a note name: ef
line 167 - column 74:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 168 - column 53:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 168 - column 53:
not a note name: gs
line 171 - column 30:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 171 - column 30:
not a note name: cs
line 171 - column 36:
not a note name: cs
line 171 - column 43:
not a note name: cs
line 171 - column 48:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 171 - column 53:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 171 - column 53:
not a note name: cs
line 171 - column 58:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 172 - column 29:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 172 - column 29:
not a note name: cs
line 172 - column 40:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 172 - column 40:
not a note name: cs
line 172 - column 50:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 172 - column 50:
not a note name: cs
line 172 - column 57:
not a note name: cs
line 174 - column 23:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 174 - column 23:
not a note name: fs
line 174 - column 31:
not a note name: ef
line 174 - column 36:
not a note name: fs
line 174 - column 38:
syntax error, unexpected ','
line 174 - column 44:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 174 - column 44:
not a note name: ef
line 174 - column 49:
not a note name: fs
line 174 - column 51:
syntax error, unexpected ','
line 174 - column 60:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 174 - column 60:
not a note name: fs
line 174 - column 63:
not a note name: bf
line 174 - column 70:
not a note name: fs
line 179 - column 40:
not a note name: bf
line 180 - column 51:
not a note name: bf
line 183 - column 74:
not a note name: gs
line 184 - column 60:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 184 - column 60:
not a note name: bf
line 185 - column 47:
not a note name: ds
line 190 - column 91:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 190 - column 91:
not a note name: bf
line 190 - column 97:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 190 - column 101:
not a note name: ds
line 190 - column 111:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 190 - column 111:
not a note name: bf
line 190 - column 118:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 190 - column 122:
not a note name: ds
line 191 - column 15:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 191 - column 15:
not a note name: bf
line 191 - column 21:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 191 - column 27:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 191 - column 27:
not a note name: bf
line 191 - column 40:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 191 - column 40:
not a note name: bf
line 197 - column 9:
not a note name: fs
line 197 - column 18:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 197 - column 18:
not a note name: ef
line 197 - column 29:
not a note name: fs
line 197 - column 38:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 197 - column 38:
not a note name: ef
line 197 - column 47:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 197 - column 47:
not a note name: fs
line 197 - column 53:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 198 - column 12:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 198 - column 12:
not a note name: bf
line 198 - column 22:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 198 - column 22:
not a note name: bf
line 198 - column 32:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 198 - column 32:
not a note name: bf
line 198 - column 45:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 198 - column 45:
not a note name: bf
line 198 - column 57:
not a note name: bf
line 199 - column 18:
not a note name: gs
line 199 - column 20:
syntax error, unexpected ','
line 199 - column 34:
not a note name: gs
line 199 - column 36:
syntax error, unexpected ','
line 202 - column 21:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 202 - column 21:
not a note name: fs
line 202 - column 25:
not a note name: ds
line 202 - column 39:
not a note name: ds
line 203 - column 17:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 203 - column 17:
not a note name: bf
line 203 - column 23:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 203 - column 27:
not a note name: ds
line 203 - column 37:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 203 - column 37:
not a note name: bf
line 203 - column 44:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 203 - column 48:
not a note name: ds
line 204 - column 15:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 204 - column 15:
not a note name: bf
line 204 - column 21:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 204 - column 27:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 204 - column 27:
not a note name: bf
line 204 - column 40:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 204 - column 40:
not a note name: bf
line 208 - column 9:
not a note name: fs
line 208 - column 18:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 208 - column 18:
not a note name: ef
line 208 - column 29:
not a note name: fs
line 208 - column 38:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 208 - column 38:
not a note name: ef
line 208 - column 47:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 208 - column 47:
not a note name: fs
line 208 - column 53:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 209 - column 12:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 209 - column 12:
not a note name: bf
line 209 - column 22:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 209 - column 22:
not a note name: bf
line 209 - column 32:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 209 - column 32:
not a note name: bf
line 209 - column 45:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 209 - column 45:
not a note name: bf
line 209 - column 55:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 209 - column 55:
not a note name: bf
line 209 - column 62:
not a note name: gs
line 209 - column 69:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 211 - column 40:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 211 - column 40:
not a note name: bf
line 214 - column 46:
not a note name: ds
line 227 - column 26:
not a note name: af
line 231 - column 29:
not a note name: fs
line 233 - column 22:
not a note name: af
line 233 - column 24:
syntax error, unexpected '\''
line 233 - column 28:
not a note name: af
line 235 - column 30:
not a note name: fs
line 237 - column 25:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 237 - column 25:
not a note name: af
line 240 - column 19:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 240 - column 19:
not a note name: gs
line 240 - column 27:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 242 - column 10:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 242 - column 10:
not a note name: fs
line 242 - column 13:
not a note name: fs
line 242 - column 20:
not a note name: fs
line 242 - column 27:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 242 - column 39:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 242 - column 39:
not a note name: fs
line 242 - column 46:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 246 - column 29:
not a note name: fs
line 248 - column 22:
not a note name: af
line 248 - column 24:
syntax error, unexpected '\''
line 248 - column 28:
not a note name: af
line 250 - column 30:
not a note name: fs
line 252 - column 22:
not a note name: af
line 252 - column 24:
syntax error, unexpected '\''
line 252 - column 28:
not a note name: af
line 256 - column 27:
not a note name: bf
line 259 - column 10:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 259 - column 10:
not a note name: fs
line 259 - column 13:
not a note name: fs
line 259 - column 20:
not a note name: fs
line 259 - column 28:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 269 - column 36:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 269 - column 36:
not a note name: ds
line 269 - column 39:
not a note name: ds
line 270 - column 34:
not a note name: ef
line 270 - column 42:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 270 - column 42:
not a note name: ef
line 270 - column 45:
not a note name: fs
line 273 - column 33:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 273 - column 33:
not a note name: ef
line 273 - column 36:
not a note name: ef
line 278 - column 35:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 278 - column 35:
not a note name: ds
line 278 - column 38:
not a note name: ds
line 279 - column 35:
not a note name: ef
line 279 - column 43:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 279 - column 43:
not a note name: ef
line 279 - column 46:
not a note name: fs
line 280 - column 34:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 280 - column 34:
not a note name: ef
line 280 - column 37:
not a note name: ef
line 285 - column 26:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 285 - column 26:
not a note name: gs
line 285 - column 33:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 288 - column 36:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 288 - column 36:
not a note name: ds
line 288 - column 39:
not a note name: ds
line 289 - column 34:
not a note name: ef
line 289 - column 42:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 289 - column 42:
not a note name: ef
line 289 - column 45:
not a note name: fs
line 292 - column 33:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 292 - column 33:
not a note name: ef
line 292 - column 36:
not a note name: ef
line 296 - column 9:
not a note name: fs
line 296 - column 11:
syntax error, unexpected ','
line 296 - column 19:
not a note name: fs
line 296 - column 21:
syntax error, unexpected '\''
line 296 - column 26:
not a note name: ds
line 296 - column 33:
not a note name: fs
line 296 - column 36:
not a note name: ds
line 296 - column 38:
syntax error, unexpected '\''
line 297 - column 9:
not a note name: fs
line 297 - column 17:
not a note name: ds
line 297 - column 25:
not a note name: ds
line 297 - column 32:
not a note name: fs
line 313 - column 9:
not a note name: bf
line 313 - column 15:
not a note name: bf
line 313 - column 17:
syntax error, unexpected '\''
line 313 - column 21:
not a note name: bf
line 313 - column 23:
syntax error, unexpected ','
line 313 - column 27:
not a note name: bf
line 313 - column 29:
syntax error, unexpected '\''
line 314 - column 46:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 314 - column 46:
not a note name: bf
line 316 - column 27:
not a note name: fs
line 316 - column 29:
syntax error, unexpected ','
line 316 - column 33:
not a note name: fs
line 316 - column 35:
syntax error, unexpected '\''
line 318 - column 40:
not a note name: fs
line 326 - column 9:
not a note name: bf
line 326 - column 18:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 326 - column 18:
not a note name: bf
line 326 - column 21:
not a note name: bf
line 326 - column 28:
not a note name: bf
line 326 - column 31:
not a note name: bf
line 329 - column 10:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 329 - column 10:
not a note name: fs
line 329 - column 13:
not a note name: fs
line 329 - column 23:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 329 - column 23:
not a note name: fs
line 329 - column 28:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 329 - column 40:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 329 - column 40:
not a note name: fs
line 329 - column 47:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 330 - column 35:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 330 - column 35:
not a note name: ds
line 330 - column 38:
not a note name: ds
line 333 - column 18:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 333 - column 18:
not a note name: bf
line 333 - column 39:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 333 - column 39:
not a note name: bf
line 339 - column 36:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 339 - column 36:
not a note name: fs
line 339 - column 39:
not a note name: fs
line 342 - column 19:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 342 - column 19:
not a note name: bf
line 342 - column 25:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 342 - column 38:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 342 - column 38:
not a note name: bf
line 343 - column 18:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 343 - column 18:
not a note name: bf
line 343 - column 24:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 343 - column 36:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 343 - column 36:
not a note name: bf
line 343 - column 39:
not a note name: bf
line 348 - column 18:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 348 - column 18:
not a note name: fs
line 348 - column 25:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 349 - column 10:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 349 - column 10:
not a note name: bf
line 349 - column 13:
not a note name: bf
line 349 - column 23:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 349 - column 23:
not a note name: bf
line 349 - column 41:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 349 - column 41:
not a note name: bf
line 350 - column 10:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 350 - column 10:
not a note name: gs
line 350 - column 13:
not a note name: gs
line 350 - column 37:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 350 - column 37:
not a note name: gs
line 350 - column 44:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 353 - column 35:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 353 - column 35:
not a note name: fs
line 353 - column 38:
not a note name: fs
line 354 - column 19:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 354 - column 19:
not a note name: bf
line 354 - column 25:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 354 - column 38:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 354 - column 38:
not a note name: bf
line 355 - column 18:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 355 - column 18:
not a note name: bf
line 355 - column 24:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 355 - column 36:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 355 - column 36:
not a note name: bf
line 355 - column 39:
not a note name: bf
line 360 - column 18:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 360 - column 18:
not a note name: fs
line 360 - column 25:
syntax error, unexpected >
line 361 - column 10:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 361 - column 10:
not a note name: bf
line 361 - column 13:
not a note name: bf
line 361 - column 23:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 361 - column 23:
not a note name: bf
line 361 - column 39:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 361 - column 39:
not a note name: df
line 361 - column 42:
not a note name: df
line 362 - column 39:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 362 - column 39:
not a note name: bf
line 365 - column 38:
syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL
line 365 - column 38:
not a note name: fs
line 365 - column 41:
not a note name: fs
line 398 - column 8:
errors found, ignoring music expression
line 440 - column 8:
errors found, ignoring music expression

Test syntax highlighting


let jsV = "Javascript variable";
let jsObj = {
  item: "First item"


$myVar = "PHP variable";
$myVarUpper = strtoupper($myVar);


-- defines a factorial function
function fact (n)
  if n == 0 then
    return 1
    return n * fact(n-1)

print("enter a number:")
a ="*number")        -- read a number