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The storyline in the TV series Manifest explores the relationship between Faith and Science.
The tailfin of the airplane was being studied in a government facility by Saanvi, a scientist from India. When Cal goes up to it and touches it, he disappears. Ben becomes desperate in his search to find Cal again, coming to the conclusion that the tailfin must be thrown back into the ocean. The scientiest however is contrary to this choice, convinced that it would make no sense to throw it into the ocean rather than continue to study it; however she changes her mind when she sees writing in Cal's drawings that is in her own native language, along with the constellation of the dragon which she always gazed upon as a child through her telescope in trying to "see" her deceased mother among the stars of heaven. She had given up on the pursuit of seeing her mother in the heavens, but Cal's drawing became a sign for her: she understood that perhaps faith had a role alongside scientific research, and that she should listen to Ben and Grace. It is thus decided to bring the tailfin back to the ocean, in the specific spot that Ben had located.
== See also ==