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=== The Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom ===
=== The Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom ===

See [[Liturgy_of_St._John_Chrysostom_(Tchaikovsky)]].
See [[Liturgy_of_St._John_Chrysostom_(Tchaikovsky)]] and [[tchaikovsky:Liturgy_of_Saint_John_Chrysostom|Liturgy_of_Saint_John_Chrysostom]].

'''''Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom''''' (Литургия святого Иоанна Златоуста), Op. 41, is a setting for unaccompanied voices of fifteen numbers from the Russian Orthodox Liturgy for unaccompanied voices, made by Tchaikovsky in 1878.

Tchaikovsky, known primarily for his symphonies, concertos and ballets, was deeply interested in the music and liturgy of the Russian Orthodox Church. In 1875, he compiled ''A Concise Textbook of Harmony Intended to Facilitate the Reading of Sacred Musical Works in Russia''.<ref name=MusicaRussica>{{cite web|title=Peter Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)|work=Musica Russica|url=|accessdate=22 March 2013}}</ref>
Tchaikovsky, known primarily for his symphonies, concertos and ballets, was deeply interested in the music and liturgy of the Russian Orthodox Church. In 1875, he compiled ''A Concise Textbook of Harmony Intended to Facilitate the Reading of Sacred Musical Works in Russia''.<ref name=MusicaRussica>{{cite web|title=Peter Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)|work=Musica Russica|url=|accessdate=22 March 2013}}</ref>

==== Movements and Duration ====
The fifteen numbers are intended to be sung at specific points in the liturgy service.
# '''Amen. Lord Have Mercy''' (Амин. Господи помилуй)<br/>After the exclamation "Blessed is the Kingdom" (После возглашения «Благословенно царство») (50 bars).
# '''Glory to the Father and to the Son''' (Слава Отцу и Сыну)<br/>After the First Antiphon (После первого антифона) (63 bars).
# '''Come, Let Us Worship''' (Придите, поклонимся)<br/>After the Little Entrance (После малого входа) (56 bars).
# '''Alleleuja''' (Аллилуйя)<br/>After the Epistle Reading (После чтения апостола) (15 bars).
# '''Glory to Thee, O Lord''' (Слава тебе Господи)<br/>After the Gospel Reading (После чтения евангелия) (26 bars).
# '''Cherubic Hymn''' (Херувимская песнь) (98 bars).
# '''Lord Have Mercy''' (Господи помилуй)<br/>After the Cherubic Hymn (После херувимской песни) (16 bars).
# '''I Believe in One God, The Father, The Almighty''' (Верую во Единаго Бога Отца)<br/>The Creed (Символ веры) (92 bars).
# '''Merciful Peace''' (Милость мира)<br/>After the Creed (После Cимвола веры) (42 bars).
# '''We Hymn Thee''' (Тебе поем)<br/>After the exclamation "Thine Own of Thine Own" (После возглашения «Твоя от твоих») (39 bars).
# '''It is Truly Fitting''' (Достойно есть)<br/>After the words "Especially For Our Most Holy" (После слов «Изрядко о пресвятей») (55 bars).
# '''Amen. And With Your Spirit, Lord Have Mercy''' (Амин. И со духом твоим, Господи, помилуй)<br/>After the exclamation "And Grant That With Our Mouths" (После возглашения: «И даждь нам единеми усты») (13 bars).
# '''Our Father''' (Отче наш)<br/>The Lord's Prayer (Молитва Господня) (44 bars).
# '''Praise the Lord from the Heavens''' (Хвалите, хвалите, Господа с небес)<br/>Communion Hymn (Причастный стих) (86 bars).
# '''Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord''' (Благословен грядый во имя Господне)<br/>After the Exclamation "In the Fear of God" (После возглашения «Со страхом Божиим») (92 bars).
A complete concert performance lasts around 50 minutes.

Tchaikovsky adapted the text from the Russian Orthodox Liturgy service.

The Cherubikon is the usual Cherubic Hymn sung at the Great Entrance of the Byzantine liturgy. The hymn symbolically incorporates those present at the liturgy into the presence of the angels gathered around God's throne.
The Cherubikon is the usual Cherubic Hymn sung at the Great Entrance of the Byzantine liturgy. The hymn symbolically incorporates those present at the liturgy into the presence of the angels gathered around God's throne.


=== Legend ===
=== Legend ===