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If you have any questions or need help when creating or editing an article, please feel free to contact me and we can try to work out any issues. Just click on [ Add topic] here on top.
== Test audio player ==
[[File:Twelve bar boogie-woogie blues in C.mid]]
== Test Score tag ==
<score sound="1">
{ \new PianoStaff << \new Staff \relative c'' { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"violin" \clef treble \tempo 8 = 126 \time 3/16 r16 <d c a fis d>\f-! r16\fermata | \time 2/16 r <d c a fis d>-! \time 3/16 r <d c a fis d>8-! | r16 <d c a fis d>8-! | \time 2/8 <d c a fis>16-! <e c bes g>->-![ <cis b aes f>-! <c a fis ees>-!] } \new Staff \relative c { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"violin" \clef bass \time 3/16 d,16-! <bes'' ees,>-! r\fermata | \time 2/16 <d,, d,>-! <bes'' ees,>-! | \time 3/16 d16-! <ees cis>8-! | r16 <ees cis>8-! | \time 2/8 d16\sf-! <ees cis>-!->[ <d c>-! <d c>-!] } >> }
== Test Score tag in raw lilypond format, with title ==
<score raw="1" lang="lilypond" sound="1">
\version "2.10.10"
\header {
title="WALL STREET \"RAG\""
composer="SCOTT JOPLIN"
mutopiatitle = "Wall Street Rag"
mutopiacomposer = "JoplinS"
mutopiainstrument = "Piano"
date = "1909"
source = "Seminary Music Co. 112 W. 38th N.Y."
style = "Jazz"
maintainer = "Benjamin Bloomfield"
maintainerEmail = ""
copyright = "Public Domain"
lastupdated = "2008/September/12"
footer = "Mutopia-2008/09/19-1543"
    stemExtend = \once \override Stem #'length = #22
    noStem = \once \override Stem #'length = #0
    noFlag = \once \override Stem #'flag-style = #'no-flag
\paper {
between-system-padding = #0
between-system-space = #0.1
top-margin = 1\mm
bottom-margin = 1\mm
between-title-space = 0\mm
page-top-space = 1\mm
    upper = \relative c'' {
      \clef treble
      \key c \major
      \time 2/4
\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -3 . 2 )   
c8.[^\markup \bold "Very Slow March Time" a16] d,8[ c16 d] | %1
e8 f4 g8 | %2
e8[ d16 e] f[ a8 af16] | %3
g4 <g b g'>8-> r | %4
\repeat volta 2 {
\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -4 . 3.0 )
<e c>16[\(^\markup \smaller { "Panic in Wall Street, Brokers feeling melancholy" } <f d> <g e> <a ds,>]\)~ <a ds,>[ <fs ds'>\( <g e'> <e c'>]\) | %5
<< {\stemUp d'8[ d16 e] d16[\( c d, f]\) } \\
    {\stemDown f4~ f8[ c] } >> | \stemNeutral %6
<e c>16[\( <f d> <g e> <a ds,>]\)~ <a ds,>[ <fs ds'>\( <g e'> <e c'>]\) | %7
<< {\stemUp d'8[ e16 d] c16[\( d e g,]\) } \\
    {\stemDown f4~ f8[ e] } >> %8
<< { \stemUp gs16[\( e b' e]\)~ e[\( f] e8]\) } \\
    { \stemDown e,8.[ gs16]~ gs8[ gs] } >> | %9
<< { \stemUp a16[\( e c' e]\)~ e[( f e8]) } \\
    { \stemDown e,8.[ <a c>16]~ <a c>8[ <a c>] } >> | %10
<< { \stemUp e'16[\( d fs b]\)~ \stemDown <b fs d>[\( <c fs, e> <b fs d> <a fs c>]\) } \\
    { \stemDown c,8.[ <d fs>16]~ \noStem \noFlag
<d fs> s8. } >> | %11
<b f'! a>16[\( g' f d] <e g,f>[ d g, f]\) %12
<e c>16[\( <f d> <g e> <a ds,>]\)~ <a ds,>[ <fs ds'>\( <g e'> <e c'>]\) | %13
<< {\stemUp d'8[ d16 e] d16[\( c d, f]\) } \\
    {\stemDown f4~ f8[ c] } >> | \stemNeutral %14
<e c>16[\( <f d> <g e> <a ds,>]\)~ <a ds,>[ <fs ds'>\( <g e'> <e c'>]\) | %15
<< {\stemUp d'8[ c16 d] c8[ c16 d] } \\
    {\stemDown f,4~ f8[ f] } >> %16
<< {\stemUp e'16[\( c g a]\)~ <a cs,>[\( <a cs e a> <bf cs e bf'> <a cs e a>]\) } \\
  {\stemDown e8.[ cs16]~ \noFlag \stemUp cs s8. } >> | %17
<e' fs c'! e>8[ <d fs c' d>16 <a c fs a>]~ <a c fs a>[\( <gs gs'> <a fs' a> <c fs c'>]\) | %18
<e g e'>8[ <d f! d'>16 <a' f' a>]~ <a f' a>[\( <g e' g> <e g e'> <d f d'>]\) | %18
\alternative {
{ <c e c'>4~ <c e c'>16[ g( d ds]) }
{ << { \stemDown <c' e c'>4~ <c e c'>8[ <c c'>16 <bf bf'>] } \\
    { \stemUp s4. e8 } >> }
%Page Two
\repeat volta 2 {
\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -2 . 1.5 )
<a, c f a>8[^\markup \smaller { "Good times coming." } <a c f a>] <c f a c>[ <c fs a c>] | %22
<c g' c>4
<< { \stemUp b'8[( a]) } \\
  { \stemDown <fs c>4 } >> | %23
<< { \stemUp a8.[ a16] a[( g b a]) } \\
  { \stemDown <f! c>4 <f b,> } >> | %24
<< { \stemUp a8.[ a16] a[( g) <c c,> <bf bf,>] } \\
  { \stemDown <c, e>4 <c e>8[ e] } >> | %25
<a, c f a>8[ <a c f a>] <c f a c>[ <c fs a c>] | %26
<c g' c>4
<< { \stemUp b'8[( a]) } \\
  { \stemDown <fs c>4 } >> | %27
<c f! a>8[ <c e a>]
<< { \stemUp gs'8.[( b16]) } \\
  { \stemDown <d, e>4 } >> | %28
<c e a>4
<< { \stemUp a'16[( g) <c c,> <bf bf,>] } \\
  { \stemDown <c, e>8[ e] } >> | %29
<a, c f a>8[ <a c f a>] <c f a c>[ <c fs a c>] | %30
<c g' c>4
<< { \stemUp b'8[( a]) } \\
  { \stemDown <fs c>4 } >> | %31
<< { \stemUp a8.[ a16] a[( g b a]) } \\
  { \stemDown <f! c>4 <f b,> } >> | %32
<< { \stemUp a8.[ a16] a[( g) <c, c,> <d d,>] } \\
  { \stemDown <c e >4 <c e>8 s } >> | %33
<ds, a' c ds>4 <fs a c fs> | %34
<a c ds a'>2 | %35
<< { \stemUp <a a'>8[( <g g'>]) e'16[( d8 e16]) } \\
  { \stemDown <c e>4 <g b>16[ <f b>8.] } >> | %36
} % end repeat
\alternative {
{ <e c'>8[ <e e'>16 <f f'>] <fs fs'>[ <g g'> <c e c'> <bf e bf'>] }
{ <c e,>4~ <c e,>8
  << { \stemUp g16[( gs]) } \\
    { \stemDown <e bf>8 } >> }
\key f \major
\repeat volta 2 {
\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -4 . 1.0 )
<f a>16[^\markup \smaller { "Good times have come." } <g bf> <a c> <f a>]~ <f a>[( <a f c> <a f d>8]) | %39
<< { \stemUp <f a>16[ <c f a> <cs f a> <d f a>]~ <d f a>[( <ef f a>8 <d f a>16])~ | %40
<f a>16[( g f <f g>])~ <df f g>[( <df f,> <df g,> <c a>]) | %41
r <f' a>[ <e a> <d a'>]~ <d a'> r16 r8 | } \\ %42
  { \stemDown s4. s16 \noStem \noFlag d,16~ | %40
d8.[ df16]~ \noStem \noFlag df s8 \noStem \noFlag \stemUp <c a>16~ | %41
\stemDown <c a>4~ <c a>16[ <bf' d>( <a c> <g bf>]) | } >> %42
<f a>16[ <g bf> <a c> <f a>]~ <f a>[( <a f c> <a f d>8]) | %43
<< { \stemUp <f a>16[ <c f a> <cs f a> <d f a>]~ <d f a>[ <c ds a'>8 <c e a>16]~ | %44
a'[( g fs g]) } \\
  { \stemDown s4. s16 \noStem \noFlag \stemUp <e c>16~ | %43
\stemDown <e c>4 } >>
<f g b>16[ <g b e>8 <f b d>16] | %44
<< { \stemUp d'8[( c]) g[( gs]) } \\
  { \stemDown <e bf'!>4 <e bf> } >> | %45
<f a>16[ <g bf> <a c> <f a>]~ <f a>[( <a f c> <a f d>8]) | %46
% Page 3
<< { \stemUp <f a>16[ <c f a> <cs f a> <d f a>]~ <d f a>[ <ef f a>8 <d f a>16]~ | %48
<f a>16[ g f <f g>]~ <d f g>8[ <d e gs>] |} \\ %49
{ \stemDown s4.. \noStem \noFlag d16~ |
d8.[ d16]~ \noStem \noFlag d8 s8 | } >>
<< { \stemUp r16 <a' cs>[ <cs e> <cs a'>]~ <cs a'> r16 r8 } \\
  { \stemDown <a e cs>4~ <a e cs>16[ <e cs> <a cs,>8] } >> |
<a d,>8[ <d c fs,>16 <ef c fs,>]~ <ef c fs,>[ d <d fs bf> <c fs a>] |
<< { \stemUp <f! a>[ d f <f g>]~ <f g>[ a <f g>8] } \\
  { \stemDown b,8.[ b16]~ b8[ b] } >> |
<< { \stemUp a'16[ g e c']~ c[ bf d, e] } \\
  { \stemDown <c e>8.[ <c e>16]~ <c e>8[ bf] } >> |
} % end repeat
\alternative {
{ << { \stemDown \noStem \noFlag f'4~ \stemUp f16[( f, g gs]) } \\
{ \stemDown <a c f>4~ <a c>16[ a, <bf e>8] \stemNeutral } >> }
{ <a' c f>4~ <a c f>8 d16[(-^ ds]) }
\repeat volta 2 {
\once \override TextScript #'padding = #4
e16[^\markup \smaller { "Listening to the strains of genuine negro ragtime," } <g bf c d> d ds] e[ <g bf c d!> d ds] |
e[ <g bf c d>8 <a bf c>16]~ <a bf c>[ g( d e]) |
\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -8.5 . 2.5 )
f[^\markup \smaller { "brokers forget their cares." } <a c d> d, e] f[ <a c d> d, e] |
f[ <g a c>8 <g a c>16]~ <g a c>[ f( e f]) |
fs[ <a c ef> e! es] fs[ <a c ef!> e! <fs a d>] |
<g bf d>[ <a bf d>8 <a bf d>16]~ <a bf d>[ g( a bf]) |
b[ <d e> gs, a] b[ <d e> gs, <b d e>] |
<a c e>4 <c fs, ds c>8[ d,16( ds]) |
e16[ <g bf c d> d ds] e[ <g bf c d!> d ds] |
e[ <g bf c d>8 <a bf c>16]~ <a bf c>[ g( d e]) |
f[ <a c d> d, e] f[ <a c d> d, e] |
f[ <g a c>8 <g a c>16]~ <g a c>[ f( e f]) |
fs[ <a c ef> e! es] fs[ <a c ef!> e! <fs a d>] |
<g bf d>[ <a bf d>8 <a bf d>16]~ <a bf d>[ <g bf d> <gs b f'>8-^] |
<< { \stemUp <c f>16[^^ d c a] a[ g8 e'16] } \\
  { \stemDown a,4 <e c>16[ <e bf>8.] \stemNeutral } >> |
\alternative {
{ <a, c f>4~ <a c f>8[ d16-^ ds] }
{ <a c f>4 <f' a c f>8 r \bar "|." }
    lower = \relative c' {
      \clef bass
      \key c \major
      \time 2/4
c8.[ a16] d,8[ c16 d] | %1
e8 f4 g8 | %2
e8[ d16 e] f[ a8 af16] | %3
g4 <g g,>8-> r | %4
<< { \stemUp g8.[\( fs16] c'8[ g]\) } \\
  { \stemDown c,2 } >> | %5
<< { \stemUp af'4. af8 } \\
  { \stemDown c,2 } >> | %6
<< { \stemUp g'8.[\( fs16] c'8[ g]\) } \\
  { \stemDown c,2 } >> | %7
\stemNeutral <c af'>4. <c g'>8 | %8
<b b'>8[ <gs' d' e>] <e e,>[ <d d,>] |
<c c,>[ <a' c e>] <a a,>[ <g g,>] | %10
<fs fs,>[ <fs c' d>] <d d,>[ <fs c' d>] |
<g g,>[ <g b d>] b,[ <g' b d>] | %12
<< { \stemUp g8.[\( fs16] c'8[ g]\) } \\
  { \stemDown c,2 } >> | %13
<< { \stemUp af'4. af8 } \\
  { \stemDown c,2 } >> | %14
<< { \stemUp g'8.[\( fs16] c'8[ g]\) } \\
  { \stemDown c,2 } >> | %15
<< { \stemUp af'4. af8 } \\
  { \stemDown c,2 } >> | %16
<< { \stemUp g'8[ bf8] } \\
  { \stemDown c,4 } >>
<a a'>8[ <g g'>] | %17
<fs fs'>[ <fs' c' d>] <d d'>[ <c c'>] | %18
<b b'>[ <g' b f'!>] <g g,>[ <g b f'>] | %19
<c c,>[ g] c,[ <g' b>] | %20
<c c,>[ g] c,4-- | %21
% Page Two
<f f,>8[ <a c f>] <f f,>[ <ds ds,>] | %22
<< { \stemUp e[ <g c e>] ef[ <c' ef fs>] | %23
d,[ <c' d f!>] g,[ <b' d f>] | %24
c,[ <g' c e>] } \\
  { \stemDown <e e,>4 <ef ef,> | %23
<d d,> <g, g,> | %24
<c c,> } >>
<e e,>8[ <c c,>] | %25
<f f,>[ <a c f>] <f f,>[ <ds ds,>] | %26
<< { \stemUp e8[ <g c e>] ef[ <c' ef fs>] } \\
  { \stemDown <e, e,>4 <ef ef,> } >> %27
<d d,>8[ <e e,>]
<< { \stemUp e[ <gs d' e>] } \\
  { \stemDown <e e,>4 } >> | %28
<a a,>16[ e c a] <c c,>4 | %29
<f f,>8[ <a c f>] <f f,>[ <ds ds,>] | %30
<< { \stemUp e[ <g c e>] ef[ <c' ef fs>] | %31
d,[ <c' d f!>] g,[ <b' d f>] | %32
c,[ <g' c e>] e[ <e g>] } \\
  { \stemDown <e e,>4 <ef ef,> | %31
<d d,> <g, g,> | %32
<c c,> <e e,> } >> | %33
fs,16[( a fs'8]) ds16[( fs ds'8]) | %34
fs16[\( ds c a] ds c a fs]\) | %35
<< { \stemUp g8[ <c e>] g,[ g'] } \\
  { \stemDown g4 g,] } >> | %36
<c g'>8 r r <c c,> | %37
<< { \stemUp g'4~ g8 r } \\
  { \stemDown c,8[ g] c,4 } >> | %38
% Good times have come
\key f \major
<< { \stemUp <c' a'>8[ <c f a>] c,[ <c' f>] |
f,[ <c' f>] c,[ <c' f>] } \\
  { \stemDown f,4 c | f c } >> |
bf8[( bf']) bf,[( bf']) |
<< { \stemUp f8[ <c' f a>] c,[ <c' e bf'>] |
<c a'>[ <c f a>] c,[ <c' f>] |
f,[( f']) fs,[( fs']) |
g,[( g']) g,[( g']) | } \\
  { \stemDown f,4 c | f c | f fs | g g } >>
c4( <c c,>) |
<< { \stemUp <c a'>8[ <c f a>] c,[ <c' f>] |
f,[ <c' f>] c[ <f a>] } \\
  { \stemDown f,4 c | f c' } >> |
%Page 3
bf8[ d] <bf bf'>[ <bf bf'>] |
<< { \stemUp a'8[ <a e>] g[ <a e>] } \\
  { \stemDown <a a,>4 <g g,> } >> |
<fs fs,>8[ <d fs c'>] <d d,>[ <fs c' d>] |
<g g,>[ <g b d>] <d d,>[ <ds ds,>] |
<e e,>[ <bf'! c e>] <c, c,>[ <bf' c e>] |
%alternative 1
<f f,>8[ <e e,>16 <d d,>] <c c,>4 |
%alternative 2
<f f,>8[ a,16 d] <f f,>8[ <fs fs,>]-^ |
% Listening to the strains of genuine negro ragtime, brokers forget their cares.
<g g,>8[ <bf c e>] <c, c,>[ <bf' c e>] |
<g g,>[ <bf c e>] <c c,>[ <bf bf,>] |
<a a,>[ <a c f>] <c, c,>[ <a' c f>] |
<f f,>[ <a c f>] <c c,>[ <a c f>] |
<a a,>[ <fs c' d>] <d d'>[ <c c'>] |
<bf bf'>[ <g' bf d>] <g g,>[ <g bf d>] |
<gs gs,> <b d e>] <e, e,>[ <gs d' e>] |
<a a,>[ <a c e>] <a a,>[ <fs fs,>] |
<g g,>8[ <bf c e>] <c, c,>[ <bf' c e>] |
<g g,>[ <bf c e>] <c c,>[ <bf bf,>] |
<a a,>[ <a c f>] <c, c,>[ <a' c f>] |
<f f,>[ <a c f>] <c c,>[ <a c f>] |
<a a,>[ <fs c' d>] <d d'>[ <c c'>] |
<bf bf'>[ <g' bf d>] <d d'>[ <df df'>]-^ |
<c c'>[-^ <a' c f>] <c, c,>[ <bf' c e>] |
%alternative 1
<f f,>8[ a,16 c] <f f,>8[-^ <fs fs,>] |
%alternative 2
<f f,>[ c] f,8-^ r
    dynamics = {
s2\mf | s2 * 3 |
s2\mf | s2 * 3 |
s2 *2 | s4.\< s8\! | s4 s8.\> s16\! |
s2\mf | s2 * 3 |
s2 * 5 |
%Page 2
s2\f | s2 * 5 |
s2 * 5 |
s2 * 5 |
s2 | s2\mp | s2 * 3 |
s2 | s4 s8.\< s16\! | s4.\< s16 s16\! | s4 s8\> s8\! | s32 s4...\mp |
%Page 3
s2 | s4 s8\< s8\! | s2 | s2\mf | s2 |
s2 | s4 \once \override DynamicLineSpanner #'padding = #3.5 s8.\> s16\! | s2 | s2\mf | s2 |
s2 * 4 | s4..\< s16\! |
s2\f | s32 s4...\mf | s2 * 3 |
s2 * 5 |
    pedal = {
%      s2\sustainDown s2\sustainUp
    \score {
      \new PianoStaff <<
        \new Staff = "upper" \upper
        \new Dynamics = "dynamics" \dynamics
        \new Staff = "lower" <<
          \clef bass
        \new Dynamics = "pedal" \pedal
      \layout {
        \context {
          \type "Engraver_group"
          \name Dynamics
          \alias Voice % So that \cresc works, for example.
          \consists "Output_property_engraver"
          \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1)
          pedalSustainStrings = #'("Ped." "*Ped." "*")
          pedalUnaCordaStrings = #'("una corda" "" "tre corde")
          \consists "Piano_pedal_engraver"
          \consists "Script_engraver"
          \consists "Dynamic_engraver"
          \consists "Text_engraver"
          \override TextScript #'font-size = #2
          \override TextScript #'font-shape = #'italic
          \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 2.5)
          \override Hairpin #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 2.5)
          \consists "Skip_event_swallow_translator"
          \consists "Axis_group_engraver"
        \context {
          \accepts Dynamics
          \override VerticalAlignment #'forced-distance = #7
    \score {
      \new PianoStaff <<
        \new Staff = "upper" << \upper \dynamics >>
        \new Staff = "lower" << \lower \dynamics >>
        \new Dynamics = "pedal" \pedal
      \midi {
        \context {
          \type "Performer_group"
          \name Dynamics
          \consists "Piano_pedal_performer"
        \context {
          \accepts Dynamics
== Test syntax highlighting ==
<syntaxhighlight lang="js" line>
let jsV = "Javascript variable";
let jsObj = {
  item: "First item"
<syntaxhighlight lang="php" line>
$myVar = "PHP variable";
$myVarUpper = strtoupper($myVar);
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua" line>
-- defines a factorial function
function fact (n)
  if n == 0 then
    return 1
    return n * fact(n-1)
print("enter a number:")
a ="*number")        -- read a number