I am a priest in the diocese of Rome, Italy.

I have served as pastoral assistant in a few roman parishes:

  • Martyrs of Uganda parish
  • Saint Galla parish
  • Saint Linus parish

I have also served as university chaplain at Roma Tre University.

Currently I am serving at the Diocesan Pilgrimage Office "Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi".

I have always enjoyed programming and web development, and I have become fairly well versed in PHP, Javascript, Java, VB.NET with a little bit of C++. I enjoy electronics, and science in general, and would like to put these talents at the service of the Church.

So I have created the BibleGet Project and API.

I have created a Liturgical Calendar API.

I curate a few websites.

And now, I would like to create this encyclopedia about the influence of the Gospel and of the Word of God on human culture.

Testing LilyPond scores


Testing Syntax Highlighting

<syntaxhighlight lang="python" line>

def quick_sort(arr):

less = []

pivot_list = []

more = []

if len(arr) <= 1:

return arr


