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The '''New Gods''' are a fictional race appearing in the [[wikipedia:eponym|eponymeponymous]]ous [[wikipedia:comic book|comic book]] series published by [[wikipedia:DC Comics|DC Comics]], as well as selected other DC titles. Created and designed by [[wikipedia:Jack Kirby|Jack Kirby]], they first appeared in February 1971 in ''New Gods'' #1.
Despite the creative strength of Kirby's material, the book's sales slipped steadily after a strong start. Despite the sales failure of the book, Kirby's work has remained an inspiration for future comics creators. [[wikipedia:Comics historian|Comics historian]] [[wikipedia:Les Daniels|Les Daniels]] observed in 1995: <blockquote>"Kirby's mix of slang and myth, science fiction and the Bible, made for a heady brew, but the scope of his vision has endured."<ref>{{cite book|last = Daniels|first = Les|author-link = Les Daniels|chapter= The Fourth World: New Gods on Newsprint|title = [[wikipedia:DC Comics: Sixty Years of the World's Favorite Comic Book Heroes|DC Comics: Sixty Years of the World's Favorite Comic Book Heroes]]|publisher = [[wikipedia:Little, Brown and Company|Bulfinch Press]]|year = 1995|location= New York, New York|page = 165|isbn = 0821220764}}</ref></blockquote>
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The biblical Book of Revelation (or "Apocalypse") on the other hand, makes references to [[wikipedia:Babylon the Great|Babylon the Great]], also referred to as the whore of Babylon, which symbolizes the evil in mankind:
{{Bible quote|version=NABRE|ref=Apocalypse 17:1-18|inline=false}}
=== The conflict between the twin planets ===
The conflict between the two planets symbolizes the struggle of good and evil on a grand mythic scale. However, despite unambiguously representing good, New Genesis and its inhabitants are not entirely perfect. Biographer Charles Hatfield writes, "The saga turns out to be not so simple, for Kirby — and this is revealing – blurs the seeming idealized perfection of New Genesis, adding complexity to his gods."<ref>{{cite book |last1=Hatfield |first1=Charles |title=Hand of Fire: The Comics Art of Jack Kirby |date=2011 |publisher=University Press of Mississippi |isbn=978-1617031786 |page=196}}</ref> Similarly, John Morrow writes, "Kirby knew that his New Genesis was no heaven. Rather, it was more like the free West during the [[wikipedia:Cold War|Cold War]], which was threatened by forces from within as well as without."<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Morrow |first1=John |title=Gallery |journal=[[wikipedia:The Jack Kirby Collector|The Jack Kirby Collector]] |date=Spring 2019 |volume=26 |issue=76 |page=34 |url= |access-date=3 September 2020}}</ref>
In [[wikipedia:Augustine of Hippo|Saint Augustine]]'s ''[[wikipedia:The City of God|The City of God]]'' (early 5th century), Babylon and Jerusalem referred to two spiritual cities which were spiritually at war with one another, throughout all of history: <blockquote>Babylon [from [[wikipedia:Tower of Babel|Babel]]] is interpreted confusion, Jerusalem vision of peace. ...They are mingled, and from the very beginning of mankind mingled they run on unto the end of the world. ...Two loves make up these two cities: [[wikipedia:love of God|love of God]] makes Jerusalem, love of the world makes Babylon.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=CHURCH FATHERS: Exposition on Psalm 65 (Augustine), 2.||access-date=2017-08-11}}</ref></blockquote>
They also represented two principles at war with one another, inside each individual person, even inside seemingly worldly Christian monarchs; thus Augustine could boast approvingly, "...believing [Christian] monarchs of this world came to the city of Rome, as to the head of Babylon: they went not to the temple of the Emperor, but to the [[wikipedia:Saint Peter's tomb|tomb of the Fisherman]]."<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=CHURCH FATHERS: Exposition on Psalm 87 (Augustine), 7.||access-date=2017-08-11}}</ref>
A prophecy foretold that '''Darkseid''' would meet his final defeat at the hands of '''Orion''' in a cataclysmic battle in the fiery '''Armaghetto''' slum of the planet '''Apokolips'''.
In the biblical Book of the Apocalypse, [[wikipedia:Armaggedon|Armaggedon]] (from the [[wikipedia:Hebrew|Hebrew]]: {{Script/Hebrew|הַר מְגִדּוֹ}} ''Har Məgīddō'') is the prophesied location of a gathering of armies for a battle during the [[wikipedia:end time|end time]]s, which is variously interpreted as either a literal or a symbolic location. The term thus has come to be used in a generic sense to refer to any [[wikipedia:eschatology|end of the world]] scenario. The "mount" of [[wikipedia:Tel Megiddo|Megiddo]] in northern Israel was the location of various ancient battles, including [[wikipedia:Battle of Megiddo (15th century BC)|one in the 15th century BC]] and [[wikipedia:Battle of Megiddo (609 BC)|one in 609 BC]].
The '''Battle of Megiddo''' in 609 BC took place when [[wikipedia:Necho II|Pharaoh Necho II]] of [[wikipedia:Ancient Egypt|Egypt]] led his army to [[wikipedia:Carchemish|Carchemish]] (northern Syria) to join with his allies, the fading [[wikipedia:Neo-Assyrian Empire|Neo-Assyrian Empire]], against the surging [[wikipedia:Neo-Babylonian Empire|Neo-Babylonian Empire]]. This required passing through territory controlled by the [[wikipedia:Kingdom of Judah|Kingdom of Judah]]. The Judaean king [[wikipedia:Josiah|Josiah]] refused to let the Egyptians pass.<ref name="Coogan261">{{cite book |last=Coogan |first=Michael David |author-link=Michael Coogan |title=The Oxford History of the Biblical World |url= |year=2001 |publisher=Oxford University Press |isbn=9780195139372 |page=261}}</ref> The Judaean forces battled the Egyptians at Megiddo, resulting in Josiah's death and his kingdom becoming a vassal state of Egypt. The battle is recorded in the [[wikipedia:Hebrew Bible|Hebrew Bible]], the Greek [[wikipedia:1 Esdras|1 Esdras]], and the writings of [[wikipedia:Josephus|Josephus]] ({{Bible quote|version=NABRE|ref=2 Kings 23:29;2Chronicles 35:20-27}}). King Josiah is described as a just and righteous king, who feared the Lord, epitomizing the forces of good in mankind. He was the promoter of a program of religious reform, in which he "began to seek the God of his father David" and he began to destroy the Baalist altars and images throughout Jerusalem and Judah:
{{Bible quote|version=NABRE|ref=2 Chronicles 34:1-3|inline=false}}
King Josiah restored the [[wikipedia:Solomon's Temple|temple of Jerusalem]], which had been desecrated by the Assyrians after his father King Acaz had created an alliance with the Assyrian Empire:
{{Bible quote|version=NABRE|ref=2 Kings 22:2-6;2 Chronicles 34:8|inline=false}}
=== The rulers of the twin planets ===
[[File:Highfather_(Izaya_the_Inheritor_-_circa_1972).png|thumbnail|Highfather, as he appeared in Forever People #7 (March 1972)]]
Likewise the rulers of the respective planets, '''Highfather''' and '''Darkseid''' (onomotopeic for "Dark Side"), refer to some extent to [[wikipedia:God the Father|God the Father]] and to [[wikipedia:Satan|Satan]].
[[File:Justice_League_Odyssey_Darkseid.jpeg|thumbnail|Darkseid. Textless variant cover of ''Justice League: Odyssey'' Vol 1 #21 (June 2020). Art by Will Conrad.]]
'''Darkseid''' is the tyrannical ruler of the planet [[wikipedia:Apokolips|Apokolips]] whose ultimate goal is to enslave the universe by eliminating all hope and free will in sentient beings.<ref>{{cite book |last1=Greenberger |first1=Robert |last2=Pasko |first2=Martin |title=The Essential Superman Encyclopedia |date=2010 |publisher=Del Rey |isbn=978-0-345-50108-0 |pages=71–was 73}}</ref>
'''Highfather''', on the other hand, is a sage and a peacemaker. He was originally known as '''Izaya the Inheritor''', a name which is a phonetic variant of the Old Testament prophet [[wikipedia:Isaiah|Isaiah]]. While he was known as Izaya, he could be somewhat compared to the God of the Old Testament under the guise of the God of war. In fact, when Darkseid plotted to instigate an interplanetary war by manipulating his own uncle [[wikipedia:Steppenwolf (comics)|Steppenwolf]] into raiding New Genesis and killing Izaya's wife, Avia, he wounded Izaya but purposefully did not kill him, so that Izaya would try to revengeavenge the death of his wife by going after Steppenwolf. Izaya did in fact recover, and became a general in the ensuing war, eventually slaying Steppenwolf on the battlefield. After avenging his wife, Izaya grew sick of the wanton carnage of war and forsook his warrior ways. While wandering the ravaged lands of New Genesis looking for meaning, Izaya came across a mysterious wall where fiery messages appeared; messages from the [[wikipedia:Source (comics)|Source]], the mysterious benevolent force overseeing the universe. Izaya was linked to the Source, becoming a peacemaker and planetary leader under the title of '''Highfather'''.<ref>''New Gods'' vol. 1, #7 (Mar. 1972)</ref><ref>''Who's Who in the DC Universe'' vol. 1, #12 (Sep. 1991)</ref> The '''Source''' was perhaps inspired by [[wikipedia:Biblical prophecy|Biblical prophecy]], as a turning point of the faith of the People of Israel in God, from the ways of war to the ways of peace.
In the biblical '''Book of Genesis''', God is sorrowed to see evil acts of hatred being committed among men, and regrets having created a being that chose to do evil, to the point of sending the [[wikipedia:Genesis_flood_narrative|Great Flood]] to destroy thatthe humanity that had fallen to evil ways and restore the earth to its initial paradisiac state:
{{Bible quote|version=NABRE|ref=Genesis 6:5-7|inline=false}}
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{{Bible quote|version=NABRE|ref=Genesis 9:8-17|inline=false}}
The Prophets, such as '''Isaiah''', speak of a God of compassion rather than a God of war and victory over enemies, as washad been depicted in older times, such as in the '''Book of Psalms''':
{{Bible quote|version=NABRE|ref=Psalm 44:1-9|inline=false}}
Or as regards theThe [[wikipedia:Biblical Judges|Biblical Judges]] were depicted as carrying out just wars on God's behalf:
{{Bible quote|version=NABRE|ref=2 Samuel 22:35;2 Chronicles 32:8|inline=false}}
The '''prophet Isaiah''' speaks instead of a future of peace, in which there will be no more war:
{{Bible quote|version=NABRE|ref=Isaiah 2:1-5|inline=false}}