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Being a help to others in times of trouble, and comforting the afflicted:
{{Bible quote|ref=Deuteronomy 22:4}}; {{Bible quote|ref=Proverbs 3:27}}; {{Bible quote|ref=Proverbs 11:25}}; {{Bible quote|ref=Proverbs 22:9}}; {{Bible quote|ref=Matthew 5:16}}; {{Bible quote|ref=Matthew 5:42}}; {{Bible quote|ref=Matthew 10:8}}; {{Bible quote|ref=Luke 3:10-11}}; {{Bible quote|ref=Luke 6:38}}; {{Bible quote|ref=Luke 12:33}}; {{Bible quote|ref=John 15:12}}; {{Bible quote|ref=Acts 20:35}}; {{Bible quote|ref=Romans 12:13}}; {{Bible quote|ref=Ephesians 4:32}}; {{Bible quote|ref=Galatians 6:2}}; {{Bible quote|ref=Philippians 2:4}}; {{Bible quote|ref=1 Thessalonians 5:11}}; {{Bible quote|ref=Hebrews 6:10}}; {{Bible quote|ref=Hebrews 13:16}}; {{Bible quote|ref=James 2:14-17}}; {{Bible quote|ref=1 John 3:17}}
=== Be a stranger to the ways of the world (rule 20) ===